Güncelleme Tarihi: 13 April 2023

Visitors: 260

Announcement about 2022-2023 Academic Year Spring Term Midterm Exams


As Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, we attach great importance to conducting exams in a physical environment. However, due to the current situation, within the framework of the decisions taken by the Council of Higher Education on Thursday, 30.03.2023 regarding the Spring Semester of the 2022-2023 Academic Year, the midterm exams (except for the programs that include application training with special student rights) are based on the principle of "transparency and auditability". It was decided to hold the midterm exams on 31.03.2023 in the Senate of our University, and it was decided to hold the midterm exams online with distance education methods on the basis of the principle of "transparency and auditability".

Spring semester midterm exams to be held at our university will be held online with distance education methods in accordance with the "Basic Principles of Examinations that Can Be Performed in Digital Environments at Universities" announced by the Council of Higher Education on 27.05.2020. In the statement of the Council of Higher Education; Exam security measures allowed by the Learning Management System (LMS) or digital environments will be applied, based on "Transparency and Auditability" in the exams to be held in digital environments. Within the scope of these measures, "the random selection of the questions in the exams held at our university for each student, the prevention of changes by displaying the solved questions again, and the recording of the actions taken by the students on the LMS during the exam" are among the priority security measures.

In the evaluation of exams in all our academic units (associate-undergraduate-graduate);

40% contribution of mid-term evaluations to the success grade,
The contribution of the evaluations made at the end of the semester to the success grade will be calculated as 60%.
  Midterm exams (visa) in the Spring semester of the 2022-2023 Academic Year will be held by one of the following methods;


Test Method (Multiple Choice – Online Exam): The test will be done by answering multiple choice questions. The LMS system asks each student different questions from the question pool in a different order and by changing the answer choices. Automatic scoring is done according to the answers you give.

Classical exams: Classical exams can be done with two different methods

Classical Method - I (Open-ended – Online Exam): Open-ended questions can be asked over the LMS system and the answers can be written in the answer section below the question. Examinations where textual explanations are required in the answers will be held with this method.
Classical Method - II (by uploading to the "Homework" section via LMS): If figures or formulas need to be used in the answers, this exam will be done as a Classical Exam with the title of "homework" on the LMS. In these exams, questions will be asked to you through the homework application, and your answers will be written on A4 (Photocopy) paper; You must write by hand, with a ballpoint pen, and on one side of the paper. You need to transfer all the answer sheets to JPG/PDF format by taking pictures from your mobile phone or transferring them to the computer environment with a scanner (Scanner). The answers prepared as JPG/PDF for the "homework" application defined under the relevant course in the LMS system will be uploaded until the requested time and the exam will be completed. Answers sent outside the exam period and via a non-LMS method will not be evaluated.

Midterm Exam Dates: 24 April 2023 - 30 April.2023

Midterm Exam Programs will be announced on the WEB sites of all our academic units.

Regarding the problems that may occur in the exams, you can send us the problems you encounter through the communication channels of the academic program you are registered on, on the page https://uzem.bandirma.edu.tr/tr/uzem/Sayfa/Goster/Program-Temsilcileri-16660 on the Distance Education Information Platform.


           We wish all our students success in their exams.